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Statement on Belonging

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"We view the Department of Spanish and Portuguese as a community of friends and learners, and we are committed to the BYU mission of “assist[ing] individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life.” For this to succeed, everyone connected to our department—students, staff, faculty, and members of the wider community—must feel validated in their experiences and affirmed in their identities, the most important of which is their Heavenly heritage. While our study of language, literature, history, and culture acquaints us with many examples of prejudice, inequity, and exclusion at both individual and societal levels, it also reveals instructive models of compassion, equity, and inclusion. We believe that through formal instruction (and, more importantly, through informal interactions) our department can help educate individuals and cultivate empathy in their minds and hearts.

The pursuit of these goals must be a community endeavor. We are grateful when those around us draw on and offer up their own knowledge and experience to broaden our perspectives of the world, and we strive to do the same. Aware that there is much room for growth at the individual and department levels, we are committed to cultivating an environment of trust and validation in which all community members feel valued and heard. We also value diversity in course materials and strive to include a wide range of voices that can help us see the world more productively. We believe the strongest communities leverage their members’ lived experience and perspectives, collaborating with each other to construct meaning and promote ethical behavior towards others. We love the members of our community, we treasure the trust we have been given, and we commit to continual efforts to improve. We believe, as one Church leader has taught, that “revelation is scattered among us”—in this and in every context. We invite our community to work with us to gather that revelation, which will illuminate our understanding and empower us to transform attitudes and behaviors for the benefit of all."

- BYU Department of Spanish & Portuguese